D-VIDEO is proud to collaborate with some of the most talented and renowned photographers in the wedding industry. With names such as Carlo Carletti, Andrea Corsi, Daniele Vertelli, Andrea Pitti, Joan Dun, and David Bastianoni, the videomakers at D-VIDEO are able to work hand in hand with some of the best photographers in the business to create truly stunning and unforgettable wedding films.

Through these collaborations, D-VIDEO is able to bring their passion and expertise in videography together with the unique vision of each photographer, resulting in a beautiful and cohesive final product that tells the complete story of each couple’s special day. The teamwork and communication that goes into these collaborations is essential in creating a seamless and authentic representation of the love and joy shared on the big day.

D-VIDEO’s commitment to excellence extends to all aspects of their work, including their collaborations with top photographers in the industry. With their combined passion for capturing beautiful and emotional moments, the results are truly breathtaking and unforgettable.